Report created: 2012-05-06T23:05:53+02:00

2012 Norwegian Cup

2012-04-28 to 2012-05-01


2012-05-01 Task2

Race to Goal 49,7 km

Final result

No Dist. Id Radius
Coordinates Open Close
1 0,0 km S01075 20 Lat: 59.62194 Lon: 8.695 11:30:00+02:00 17:00:00+02:00
2 SS 3,0 km S01075 3000 Lat: 59.62194 Lon: 8.695 13:00:00+02:00 17:00:00+02:00
3 23,0 km Q15040 2000 Lat: 59.43083 Lon: 8.46222 13:00:00+02:00 17:00:00+02:00
4 42,2 km P80090 400 Lat: 59.61417 Lon: 8.58806 13:00:00+02:00 17:00:00+02:00
5 47,8 km S01075 400 Lat: 59.62194 Lon: 8.695 13:00:00+02:00 17:00:00+02:00
6 ES 49,1 km L01016 1000 Lat: 59.60333 Lon: 8.71361 13:00:00+02:00 17:00:00+02:00
7 49,7 km L01016 400 Lat: 59.60333 Lon: 8.71361 13:00:00+02:00 17:00:00+02:00
StartGate(s): 13:00:00+02:00

# Id Name Nat Glider Sponsor SS ES Time km/h Dist. Dist.
1 22 Bjørnar Trondsen M NOR Ozone Enzo 13:00:00 15:50:44 02:50:44 16,2 49,72 200,7 13,6 54,3 9,7 278
2 46 Kenneth Helgesen M NOR Ozone Enzo Termikk & Rotor A/S 13:00:00 15:52:00 02:52:00 16,1 49,72 200,7 12,6 51,3 6,2 271
3 21 Jan Richard Hansen M NOR Ozone Enzo Small Epizoom Multimedia Design 13:00:00 15:53:51 02:53:51 15,9 49,72 200,7 12,5 48,9 3,9 266
4 8 Gunnar Sæbu M NOR Ozone EnZo Me 13:00:00 15:53:59 02:53:59 15,9 49,72 200,7 12,6 48,8 2,7 265
5 5 Ronny Helgesen M NOR Enzo Termikk&Rotor A/S 13:00:00 16:55:59 03:55:59 11,7 49,72 200,7 5,8 13,8 2,1 222
6 7 Ole Jonny Rønneberg M NOR Ozone EnZo 13:00:00 42,13 185,4 6,8 192
7 10 Kjell-Harald Nesengmo M NOR Ozone Enzo 13:00:00 11,04 119,9 120
8 40 Kenneth Haugan M NOR Niviuk Icepeek 6 13:00:00 9,82 116,5 117
8 1 Eckhard Mark M NOR Ozone EnZo admin 13:00:00 10,00 117,1 117
10 43 Einar Bjørkaas Helle M NOR Ozone M4 13:00:00 9,78 116,3 116
11 28 Bjørn Ole Haugsgjerd M NOR Aircross USport 13:00:00 7,00 103,2 103
11 29 Terje Stulen M NOR Advance Sigma 8 13:00:00 7,00 103,2 103
11 31 Audun Solvang M NOR Nova Factor 2 13:00:00 7,00 103,2 103
11 45 Arild Årsheim M NOR Niviuk Hook2 7,00 103,2 103
11 47 Kristian Andersson M NOR Ozone M4 JK 13:00:00 7,00 103,2 103
11 26 Andreas Rieber borgnes M NOR Skywalk Poison 3 Skywalk norway as 13:00:00 7,00 103,2 103
11 23 Øyvin Nyjordet M NOR Gradient xc 3 7,00 103,2 103
11 42 Age André Sjavik M NOR Nova Factor 23 13:00:00 7,00 103,2 103
11 38 Signe M. Knudsen F NOR Advance Sigma 8 13:00:00 7,00 103,2 103
11 39 Rolf Åge Olsen M NOR Ozone Mantra 3 13:00:00 7,00 103,2 103
11 44 Jon Erik Staurset M NOR Ozone 13:00:00 7,00 103,2 103
11 33 Vidar Larsen M NOR Advance Omega 8 / 25 13:00:00 7,00 103,2 103
11 34 John Herman Sørheim M NOR Ozone M3 13:00:00 7,00 103,2 103
11 35 Tor Gjerrestad M NOR Ozone Delta M 13:00:00 7,00 103,2 103
11 36 Tor-Erik Stranna M NOR Ozone M4 7,00 103,2 103
11 32 Zoran Labovic M NOR blab Doda Dance 7,00 103,2 103
11 2 Espen Norman Hoel M NOR Nova Factor 2 13:00:00 7,00 103,2 103
11 12 Jarl christian Kind M NOR Advance Omega 8 SkySign 7,00 103,2 103
11 30 Nikolas van Etten M NOR Niviuk Artik 3 Streamer AS 7,00 103,2 103
11 6 Erlend Rongen M NOR Ozone M4 7,00 103,2 103
11 27 Bjorn Skarpas M NOR Ozone enzo 7,00 103,2 103
11 25 Johannes Helleland M NOR Niviuk Artik II 7,00 103,2 103
11 4 Geir Atle Tafjord M NOR Ozone Mantra 4 Kjerringi og ungan 13:00:00 7,00 103,2 103
11 18 Anders Beyer Brattli M NOR Nova Factor 2 13:00:00 7,00 103,2 103
11 17 Frode Graff M NOR Axis Venus 3 13:00:00 7,00 103,2 103
11 20 Terje Kristoffersen M NOR NOVA, FACTOR 23 7,00 103,2 103
11 19 Frode Myhre M NOR Niviuk Artik2 Parafly 13:00:00 7,00 103,2 103
11 14 Marius Teie M NOR Nova Factor 13:00:00 7,00 103,2 103
11 9 Hans Cato Grytnes M NOR Advance Omega 8 13:00:00 7,00 103,2 103
11 16 Jan Rogndalen M NOR Ozone M4 13:00:00 7,00 103,2 103
11 15 Per-Inge Norang M NOR Advance Omega 8 13:00:00 7,00 103,2 103

Pilots absent from task (ABS)

Id Name
11 Tore Flåten
13 Jon Fjelldal
24 Rolf Dale
37 Frode Fester
41 Lars Tore Strand

Pilots not yet processed (NYP)

Id Name

Task statistics

param value
ss_distance 46.147
task_distance 49.716
no_of_pilots_present 41
no_of_pilots_flying 41
no_of_pilots_lo 36
no_of_pilots_reaching_nom_dist 6
no_of_pilots_reaching_es 5
no_of_pilots_reaching_goal 5
sum_flown_distance 489.959
best_dist 49.716
best_time 2.84555555555556
worst_time 3.93305555555556
no_of_pilots_in_competition 46
sum_dist_over_min 261.351
first_start_time 2012-05-01T13:00:00+02:00
first_finish_time 2012-05-01T15:50:44+02:00
max_time_to_get_time_points 4.53243301273955
no_of_pilots_with_time_points 5
k 0.121951219512195
arrival_weight 0.0348296872506203
departure_weight 0
leading_weight 0.0487615621508684
time_weight 0.195046248603474
distance_weight 0.721362501995038
smallest_leading_coefficient 3.62055303602407
available_points_distance 200.732675434209
available_points_time 54.2752849050231
available_points_departure 0
available_points_leading 13.5688212262558
available_points_arrival 9.69201516161128
time_validity 1
launch_validity 1
distance_validity 0.278268796727099
day_quality 0.278268796727099

Scoring formula settings

param value
id GAP2008
use_distance_points 1
use_time_points 1
use_departure_points 0
use_leading_points 1
use_arrival_position_points 1
use_arrival_time_points 0
min_dist 7
nom_dist 40
nom_time 1.5
nom_goal 0.3
day_quality 0
time_points_if_not_in_goal 0
jump_the_gun_factor 60
use_1000_points_for_max_day_quality 1
normalize_1000_before_day_quality 1
time_validity_based_on_pilot_with_speed_rank 1